Hello, visitor!
I’ve been working as a designer for 12 years. I love solving for user problems and building design systems and brands.
Examples on this site are from projects where I've: #1, lead the creative and #2, been a part of a larger team. Except the eleven plants site — that's just showing off bombastic animations. Some smaller, simpler, one-off projects are on the misc page. I've also opted to focus on projects indicative of the kind of work I’d like to pursue in the future.
Email me at: my first name @workbydrew.com
Lurk on my Instagram: @dreeewww
References available upon request. In the meantime enjoy these peer review blurbs from current coworkers at Yahoo:
“Drew is someone I would clone if I could. He is a great design partner: Thoughtful, timely, available, provides great designs and feedback. He is also very thoughtful and easy to collaborate with.”
“...good design skills are a given, collaborative spirit (Good design partner)and it's nice that he has a thoughtful and pleasant disposition. (Important to me).”
“Drew has a great sense of what information is most important to users and his designs highlight this information prominently. Overall, they reflect great attention to usability and aesthetics. He's very responsive to product and engineering feedback, pushes back when appropriate, and sticks to agreed-upon timelines.”
“...he's got a great sensibility and personal style. Multiplier, because he asks smart questions and pushes conversations/concepts further. Savvy, because he's vastly experienced, thinks widely about the larger problem we're seeking to solve, and is able to break down complex ideas in simple terms.”
“Drew was a pleasure to work with and was instrumental in shipping a high-quality product on a tight timeline.”